The Third REFEREE Policy Advisory Group meeting was held on January, 31st 2023.


After a short introduction from project coordinator Stefano Faberi (ISINNOVA), Jon Stenning (CE – Cambridge Econometrics) reported on the progress made over the past year regarding the development of the modeling framework and of the tool, while Efrain Larrea (MCRIT) presented the tool’s interface as it currently stands. 

Choosing a Benchmark Scenario

After an explanation of the role of the different models (eg. FTT diffusion models, E3ME Lite model) within the tool and the types of calculations they allow (socio-economic impacts, impacts on technology diffusion, wider benefits, etc.), discussions focused on the benchmark scenario that should be used by the tool. This is a crucial point since the various impacts will be calculated as the difference between the benchmark scenario and the scenario inserted by the users.

To choose the appropriate benchmark, PAG members stressed the need to remain realistic when considering the EU targets, often seen as an ideal rather than a baseline. The idea of proposing flexible scenarios, describing either ‘High price world’ or a ‘Low price world’ was also introduced to PAG members.

Fine Tuning the Tool’s Interface

PAG members were then given a step by step explanation of the tool’s interface. They were then able to share valuable insights, for instance on the need to provide users with additional information (such as the description of the project, the benefits of registration, detailed definition of each of the policy selectors, etc). They were also able to give advice to help users better differentiate certain subsectors (in particular commercial/public heating). There was furthermore a broad consensus on the need for simple, striking and immediately usable results. Making sure that the intensity selector (to select the degree envisaged for a policy, eg. for a subsidy this would correspond to the % of the item that is subsidized) was also a significant concern for members and will need to be discussed more in depth during the next workshop.


Lastly, Stefano Faberi (ISINNOVA), presented the next steps of the project, announcing in particular that the first tool prototype would be ready by April 2023. The testing phase will take place between April and October during the upcoming PAG meetings, but also importantly through several case studies in Spain, Germany, Italy and Bulgaria.

The feedback of the Referee Policy Advisory group will continue to contribute to the development and fine tuning of the Referee policy support tool.