April 7th, 2021 | News about Referee

REFEREE First Policy Advisory Group meeting

REFEREE First Policy Advisory Group meeting took place online on March 25th. The objective of this first Policy Advisory Group meeting was to present the project to Policy Advisory Group members and collect preliminary ideas for the upcoming modelling and tool design.

Policy Advisory Group meetings will be organized every six-months to present project’s advancement and get PAG members’ feedback.

After a short round of introduction, a sli.do survey was conducted on members’ expectations towards REFEREE. It shows that increasing awareness of energy efficiency multiple benefits is the priority objective of PAG members.

Policy Advisory Group members’ input and feedback will be critical to design as a “user-centric” tool. REFEREE will be modular, scalable, with a user-interface easy to be customised for different type of policy-users.

Policy Advisory Group members come from a variety of backgrounds, from research and academics, to local governance level and businesses.

PAG member diversity was well reflected during group discussions, with very diverse expectations and needs depending on their work area and level of action (research and academics, local or national  government, private sector, civil society).

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